Over in the TT forums, Kurt “Telas” Schneider is kicking around an idea for a breast cancer charity gaming event, and I thought it would be a good one to share here, as well.
Here’s an excerpt from the thread:
Anyway, I thought of doing a gaming event for charity. Obviously, we wouldn’t be able to put something together in a week, but this sounds great for next year. I’d call it “Quests for Breasts”. Ideally, we’d have a pay-to-play game day (sorry, the Irish blood makes me occasionally rhyme things), preferably hitting up someone semi-famous to author it, with volunteer GMs, donated door prizes, free food for the gamers, and such. Realistically, it might be something more like a “local mini-con” with pick-up gaming, scheduled tables, demos, drawings, silent auctions, etc.
Now, what would you pay to play in such an event? What would you like to see at it? What would be a deal-breaker? What door prizes would you want/not want? Do you consider it all a bit too tongue in cheek? (For the last, there are women wearing shirts on the walk that are far more risque.) Basically, I’m looking for ideas and feedback from the TT crowd.
Telas and his wife walked the Breast Cancer 3-Day in 2006, and they’re doing it again this year (here’s the donation page for Telas and Mrs. Telas’s walk).
I know readership for the blog and forums doesn’t overlap entirely, and I’m sure Telas wouldn’t mind getting feedback in both places. As a GM, what kind of setup would you like to see? What if the event were run online, using virtual tabletops or in chatroom format? If you’ve got any thoughts or ideas about this one, share away!
Wow! Thanks, Martin! 😀
I’m thinking of a local con (we’re in Austin, which has a strong RPGA and fantasy gaming culture), but it may be better to do a couple of game day weekends, with a drawing at the end. As always, advice and feedback are welcome.
(Minor clarification: My wife walked last year but I just supported her; we’re both walking this year.)
This is the most fantastic idea ever.
Each city should have an event. They could all even use the same “module”. Have local businesses/individuals donate prizes. That way around the country there would be some 20-30 mini-cons. Have the whole she-bang, like vendors and food and all the rest.
Have some minimum donation to participate, like $10 or something. All proceeds go toward the charity.
It’s a great idea.
This is great – I’m going to post links to this and the forum thread over at http://www.theescapist.com/bequest – if that’s okay, of course…
Do we have a local gaming con at the right time? I’ve been too busy to look around and see. ArmadilloCon is too late, and gaming is a fairly small presence at that one. Austin GDC kinda sucks up everything in early September. I’m sure I’m forgetting something, though.
– Brian
Pink Dice?
I am currently actively refusing to GM any games right now and I’d volunteer for that.
What I’d do, though, is see if we couldn’t get some advice from Child’s Play. They’ve been doing this kind of thing for a while now.
WJ Walton: It’s certainly fine by me. I can’t speak for Telas, but I’m betting he’d be fine with it as well. BeQuest looks like a great resource, and one I’d never seen before — thanks for sharing the link!
You bet correctly, Martin. Please spread the idea around, although I won’t be able to do much with it until next month at the earliest (and that’s when the work would begin).
I did get questsforbreasts@gmail.com, and may grab a URL for it, but aside from the initial idea, that’s all I have at this point.
Thanks to everyone for the ideas and support.
Kurt “Telas” Schneider