The Blogging for GMs project has ended, with 19 posts by 10 different RPG bloggers, and 9 additional posts from me, for a total of 28 posts. A wide range of topics of interest to GMs were covered — you can check out the Blogging for GMs Project category to view all of the posts that were part of the project.
My thanks to our contributors, Mike Barker, Cayzle, Chris Chinn, Frank Filz, Shane Garvey, Brannon Hollingsworth, Jonas Karlsson, Jukka Koskelin, Scott M. and Arref Mak. These folks wrote some interesting posts for this project, and if you haven’t visited their blogs I encourage you to do so.
Given that Treasure Tables had only been around for 3 months at the start of this project, think it’s great that Blogging for GMs was able to attract 10 contributors, and I had a lot of fun with it. I hope you enjoyed the Blogging for GMs project — if you have any feedback or suggestions, let me know in the comments!
Thanks for organizing it. I’d hoped to contribute more, but had fun reading what everyone else wrote.
You’re welcome. 🙂 I think it might be fun to do again next year, and depending on how much TT’s readership grows in that time, there might be a lot more contributors — which would be great!
Thanks also. It definitely got me writing more and spawned some interesting discussion. I hope it keeps up on the various blogs.
One of my goals with the project was to spur interest in the RPG blogosphere (man, I hate that word…) in writing material for GMs. That’s a bit of a lofty goal, but I think it’s a good one, too, and I’m curious to see if it bears any fruit.
Thanks for organizing this. I’m kind of hoping you or someone else will do a similar project again; after the first entries, work priorities took over my contributions. Another intresting thought would be to do similar project emphasizing on players or participants in roleplaying, in general.
(Merten) Another intresting thought would be to do similar project emphasizing on players or participants in roleplaying, in general.
I would love to see both of those ideas come about, but the first one would be stretch for Treasure Tables. The second might work — except I’m not sure what kinds of topics would be covered. Do you have any suggestions?
I’ve read most of all of your articles over the last couple of days. Love the site.
Thanks, Joel! I’m glad you enjoyed the Blogging for GMs project, and I hope you’ll stick with TT for a long time to come. 🙂
Well, player tips would not fit Treasuretables, but I’m kind of hoping someone else might pick it up. Roleplaying, from players point of view, is too often thought to be some kind of passive activity, just arriving to the table the GM has set up.
As for all participants; I’m quite sure there are lots of tips and experiences to be shared about things that do not fall right to the lap of the GM. Stuff that anyone or everyone can bring to the table, or things that have been traditionally left to either GM’s or players responsibility but can be arranged or done in new, intresting ways.
Thanks for all the leg-work on this, Martin! 🙂 I really enjoyed reading and contributing to the project – sign me up for next time, as well as the next “interblog” project…
Brannon “Ashy” Hollingsworth
Thanks for putting the Blogging for GMs project together. I also very much enjoyed reading all the material. I’m hoping by this time next year, I might have something to contribute. Thanks again!
Ashy and Mark, you’re very welcome. 🙂
I certainly agree about focusing – I haven’t even read RPTips before. Have to check that out.
(Merten) I certainly agree about focusing – I haven’t even read RPTips before. Have to check that out.
Wow…you’re in for a treat! Johnn’s been putting out his e-zine for about five years, and it’s hands-down one of the best resource for GMs (and players, too) on the web.
It’s one of those things that I assume everyone reads, has read or at least knows about, as a kind of baseline of gaming resources on the web. Like I said, you’re in for a treat. 🙂
Thanks for the event. It’s rare I get to contribute to something like that. I used to post to places like EnWorld, but that forum is like the twisting nether, and the posts would immediately pass into obscurity. In a nutshell, I felt as if I was writing merely for the sake of writing, not that anyone was benefiting from it. Not to mention the infestion of “trolls”. The atmosphere here is one of intelligent debate, and I feel it’s a great help to the GM world at large. Thanks for the site!
(Judas) The atmosphere here is one of intelligent debate
I’ve been thoroughly impressed with this aspect of the comments here on TT, and the contributions to the Blogging for GMs project.
As of this writing, there are over 600 comments here. A few are trackbacks, and a fair amount are from me, but the vast majority are from readers. I haven’t deleted a single comment that wasn’t spam, and I’ve never edited one. I’ve never had to warn anyone to keep things civil, and there have been some strong disagreements between commenters on some posts. These were handled exactly as I would have asked them to be handled: with all participants being civil, amiable and wanting to share viewpoints and hear others’ viewpoints. The same is true for the contributions to the Blogging for GMs project.
That is awesome. It’s exactly what I’m going for here on TT: a community of smart, articulate gamers with interesting things to say, who treat each other with respect.
That’s not unique — most of the gaming blogs I read could be described similarly, and in terms of sites I think EN World actually does a great job of keeping the signal:noise ratio very high — but it’s still impressive to me. With no barriers to entry for leaving comments, I think it says a lot about TT readers and commenters that the discourse here has been so enjoyable.
I’ve taken the approach from the start that it’s better to do, and see what happens, than say up front “Here’s how I want things to be.” That’s been 100% enjoyable, and the results speak for themselves.
In short: TT readers and commenters, and Blogging for GMs contributors, you rock! 🙂